oversaturated brain.
awake on coffee.
... i love you too.
the times when i get to sleep till the sun tickles my toes. (:
not exactly the most wonderful week, but it was rather eventful. i love ice cream cakes! (: and my extreme craving for chocolate is back. hoho. big hint! (: oh oh im more than halfway throught gatsby already! (: yay feeling accomplished although i still have chunks of hw undone. haha. easily satisfied. i should try to stop falling asleep on buses. today a nice uncle had to wake me up when the bus reached the interchange cos everyone was alighting and i was still sleeping. i woke up seeing this warm fatherly smile i thought i was dreaming. i felt so suagu i wanted to laugh at myself.
sara rahrahrah tan is coming back to singapore on monday!!!! that's a day from now!!! (: i miss her so much. class somehow seems weird without her running around and making tonnes of noise.
on a sidenote. happy 100th post! (: well, everyone's in a study mode now, so blessed studying you all out there. (:
-always loved-
doing all the things that are irrelevant now. sometimes your brain just cant stop thinking. oh did i mention i hate to go to tampines mall? well i do now. every ten steps i take i see somebody familar, or that i actually know but refuse to acknowledge. im never going to tampines mall again unless i really need to. somehow the place scares me.
i found a new way to get home from school! actually shuwei told me few weeks ago but i didnt register that i should take the bus from the school side! whatever im saying. point is. i dont have to cross the lousy overhead bridge anymore! (: yes mel, now i can take 55 with you.
my brain needs a filter.
alena -- [noun]: A person who laughs at anything (even this entry) 'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
alena -- [adjective]: Visually addictive 'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
being overwhelmed by the profoundness of 'the great gatsby' (lit text) after reading one pathetic page, i decided to take a break (:
i probably have the most amusing sister on planet earth. she saw the title of my lit text and started singing, or rather, shouting at the top of her lungs: "i can give you gatsby!!! gatsby!!!" courtesy of the gatsby wax advertisment. and my mom joined her can! but she was singing: "i can give you get to me." which totally doesnt make sense. my mom is simply hilarious. look at what she said to me.
me: mummy, i just realised the initial of your name and daddy's make E.T.
mom: that's why we're so weird.
i love my mom. (:
any old hows. went blading today after school, fell down and bruised my wrist. it looked like i tried to commit suicide. sunday. went to the airport to send sara off to holland. photos!

with jolene yinling chialing and cherissa

acting emo

the art of folding your arms and crossing your leg (:

the gorgeous people of a14 (:
i miss sara, like alot. hurry up come back sarararara!
yay tml! yay friday! yay saturday! (: it's going to be a long and exciting weekend. (: im so looking forward to it (:
"reserving judgement is a matter of infinite hope" -the great gatsby